Saturday, February 18, 2012

Getting Rid of Stubborn Belly Fat

Having a little extra fat around the middle is a major source of frustration for many. Instead of focusing on the fat itself, focus on ways to trim it off your body! Here are a few quick tips to help you achieve the flat abs everyone is looking for.

  • Hydrate. Drink as much water as possible. Water flushed out the system and helps the body to shed excess weight you may be carrying around your middle. Also, if you drink a full eight ounces of water before every meal it will help you to cut down on how much you consume during that meal, helping reduce overall belly fat.
  • Keep an eye on your sodium. Excess salt in our diet is what causes water retention in the body. Cutting down on sodium will help your body to naturally flush out any extra weight you may be carrying. Avoiding processed and fast foods will help with this.
  • Exercise! Cardio in particular is great for shedding excess fat, but strength and resistance training are essential to creating a toned look. You cannot crunch your way to flat abs, instead you must combine cardio with core work in order to give yourself a lean flat stomach.
  • Watch your back. Perfecting your posture is a great way to flatten your abs and instantly appear thinner and more toned. Incorporating yoga into your weekly routine can help with overall posture.
  • Eat regularly. Do not let yourself get into a deprivation or starvation mode. Make sure and eat when your body tells you that it is hungry. Small snacks can help keep blood sugar stable and your metabolism revving throughout the day.


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