Monday, February 6, 2012

Creating Time for Yourself

This semester is becoming the busiest of my time in college. Between homework and working part-time I hardly have any time to focus on activities that I enjoy outside of my design work. Creating this time for yourself is essential to cultivating a healthy lifestyle. Allowing yourself to relax and do something you enjoy is what keeps stress from taking over your life. 

The first thing to do in order to create more time for yourself is to tap into what your body needs. Pay attention to how stressed or tired you are at certain times throughout the day, and when you notice a pattern in your stress you can incorporate small breaks to allow yourself to relax. Fifteen minute breaks in between long sessions of working on something are a good way to rejuvenate and give your body and mind a small break.

Paying attention to how you eat throughout the day could also help to create more energy so that you are not drained at the end of the workday and can actually do something you enjoy. Eating at regular intervals (about every four hours) and drinking plenty of water will keep your  metabolism and mind revving throughout the day.

Once you've tapped into what you need in order to manage time more effectively, you should be able to find time for hobbies and activities you enjoy. I have found the most efficient way to do this is to keep a to-do list. I write down all of my homework, work schedule, exercise times, and then I also add in things like "read a two chapters of A Clash of Kings" or "manicure." Keeping these things on a to-do list allows me to keep them on my mind and also helps me to avoid procrastinating on homework and other essentials so that I can get to the fun stuff!


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