Friday, April 13, 2012

I Like Me, So You Don't Have To.

When people talk about healthy they talk about diet and fitness most often. However, if you're someone who has struggled with weight or yo-yo dieting, there is often something larger at play then an inability to do simple math and add up your calories. Many people struggle with feelings of not being important enough to be worth the extra effort that living a healthy lifestyle entails. Overcoming these feelings of inadequacy and learning to love and take time for yourself is an important part of any sustainable healthy lifestyle.

Self-esteem is not something that you either have or you don't. It is something that, like exercise, needs to be worked with in order to be maintained. Understanding why you take certain actions in situations is key to understanding how you feel about yourself. For example, if you find yourself at the fridge after a stressful day it is important to take a step back and think for a second about why you're there, how this makes you feel, and take a moment to reflect on your day. These small moments are essential to understanding yourself, and understanding yourself is essential to maintaining good self-esteem. 

If you find that you are doing something you do not like in your moments of reflection, it can be easier to actively change those behavior patterns and work toward becoming a person that you are proud of. Reward yourself for your small accomplishments and you may find the motivation to improve only increases. 

Liking and feeling good about yourself is the only way that a healthy lifestyle is sustainable. If you don't feel that you are worth it, no one else will either. I feel that we only get out of the world what we put into it. If you are putting out a feeling of high self worth and pride, you will most often receive that back from those around you. And on the few occasions that you don't receive positive feedback, it won't matter as much anymore because you know that you like yourself.


Anonymous said...

This is so true. It is hard to work on self esteem when you are struggling with your weight.

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