Tuesday, March 27, 2012

5 Tips to Stay Healthy at the Grocery Store

Going to the grocery store can be an overwhelming experience if you don't know how to stay away from all the processed food, sugary treats, and other temptations that line the aisles. Eating a clean and healthy diet is an important aspect of living a healthy lifestyle. Learning to navigate the aisles of the grocery store to scope out the healthiest products for your money. The next time you find yourself at the grocery store, try using some of these tips to help you make the best choices.

  1. Make a list. Before I go to the grocery store I try and decide what I will be cooking that week and what I will need to make those recipes, and also the smaller and quicker meals throughout the week. I write out a list, and sometimes even organize it by which are a top priority and which could be extra items that I may not necessarily buy if the cost starts to get out of hand. Having a plan before you go to the store is necessary because it keeps you from just wandering and buying things that you don't really need.
  2. Shop the perimeter. You may have heard this before, but primarily shopping the outside perimeter of the grocery store is where you'll generally find the healthiest and freshest foods. It is when you venture into the aisles that you find the processed snacks and meals. Doing the bulk of your shopping around the edges before going through any aisles will keep your focus on the healthy areas like the produce section.
  3. When buying pre-prepared, read the ingredients. I don't think its reasonable to suggest that you avoid all processed foods. But when you do purchase them, make sure you pay attention to the list of ingredients and that they are something you feel comfortable putting into your body. Choosing the prepared foods with the least ingredients is going to be your best option for staying clean and healthy.
  4. Don't go hungry. Make sure you've eaten before you go to the store. Shopping on an empty stomach can make your body more likely to tell your brain to buy that king-size candy bar in the checkout lane, or other forms of refined carbohydrates. Your body will be looking for a quick burst of energy if you're too hungry at the store, so you'll be more likely to buy something unhealthy that you would not have if you had eaten.
  5. Coupons! Check your local newspaper and also online for coupons on your favorite healthy products. For example, I love almond butter, but it is much more expensive then regular peanut butter. To make it more accessible I always look for coupons or deals online and in-store to save a dollar or so on a jar. Most of the time there is some kind of promotion going on. If you take the extra twenty minutes or so before your trip to clip some coupons, it can significantly offset the higher cost of healthy eating.
What are your stay healthy grocery tips?


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