Wednesday, March 7, 2012

On Negative Self-Talk

We're a few months into the new year now, and for many people that means their motivation is starting to slip and they feel like they may never reach their goals or resolutions. Having negative thoughts about yourself or your goals will ultimately lead to negative behaviors toward yourself and your worth. These behaviors will then become your habits, becoming harder and harder to break as time goes on. 

Tapping into your motivation begins by tapping into your mind, change all begins with a simple thought. Instead of talking to yourself negatively, consider how you speak to those around you. Would you ever tell your closest friend that she would never achieve her goals? If you talk to yourself like you talk to those you love you can plant the seed for better behaviors and higher self-esteem. 

Just taking a few seconds to monitor your thoughts as you have them can have a major impact on the way you see yourself and your actions. Awareness is the first and most important step to establishing healthy behaviors and habits for yourself. Once you become more aware you will be more able to accurately assess where you're at with your goals instead of just talking down to yourself.

Once you've reached a point of assessment begin to think about your goals and what you want. When you think about your goals you have to ask yourself if they are attainable from where you are at right now. If it seems impossible, consider setting a slightly smaller goal somewhere in the middle between where you are now and your ultimate goal. Having a more easily attainable midpoint will help you stick with it and you will feel rewarded when you reach that midpoint and motivated to keep going. 


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