Saturday, April 7, 2012

5 Fitness Excuses and How to Beat Them

Everyone knows the feeling of not wanting to get up and exercise. You're tired, your're busy, you have every excuse out there not to even put on your workout clothes. The thing about these excuses is that everyone has them, yet people still find the time for themselves to get in a good workout. Here are the top five excuses that I hear most often and how to talk yourself out of believing they're true.

  1. I don't have enough time. Do you really not have an extra thirty minutes? Think about the time you spend doing things that could be easily cut out. The time you spend watching mindless television commercials could be easily turned into exercise time if you DVR'd the show and watched it later, or watched it through an online resource to cut down on commercial time. I'm not saying that every day you'll be able to find the time, but we all waste a lot more of our day then we think we do, and pinpointing those little moments is a good way to create the time for yourself. And once you've incorporated regular exercise into your routine, it becomes habitual and something that you automatically will create time for in your day.
  2. I'm just exhausted. You may be tired at the end of a long day, but did you know that over the long run regular exercise will actually boost your energy levels? Although it may be slow going when you are first getting used to your new routine, regular exercise will help you stay more alert throughout your day.  And if you have a demanding work schedule, try to fit in your exercise in the morning, before you are worn down by a long day.
  3. Exercise is boring. This is one I've never understood, but I've definitely heard it from a lot of people. The only reason you think exercise is boring is because you haven't found what you love to do yet! For me I really love to get out and run, and it is something that I find myself really looking forward to for the mental clarity and endorphin rush it brings me. Trying a few different classes at your local gym or buying/renting a few different exercise DVDs is a good way to figure out what your workout preferences are. 
  4. It hurts. Of course it hurts a little in the beginning. When first starting a new routine you are bound to be a little sore, but this can easily be remedied by taking up the acceleration of your workouts slowly and according to your fitness level. Also proper stretching and cool down from your workout will help your body to avoid DOMS and keep you moving. The soreness your body experiences can actually be helped the next day by getting in a little movement and light exercise, so don't let being sore dissuade you. It means the exercise is working!
  5. I just end up quitting. Many people end up quitting before they get very far because they set very broad and large goals for themselves. These are good goals to have, but you should also set smaller and more immediately attainable fitness goals for yourself so that you do not get discouraged. For example, if you want to lose fifty pounds, set a weekly goal of two pounds lost to keep yourself motivated. Staying motivated can also be helped by involving the people around you in your goals, or your exercise routine itself with a fitness buddy.
What are your ways of overcoming these classic fitness excuses?


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